Welcome to Floofy Blue Dragon Books!
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Welcome to Floofy Blue Dragon Books! ⚝ ⚝ ⚝

"Floofy Blue Dragon Books" is an indie children's book series created by author and illustrator Carson Walters.
My very first published book, “Dragon Boy,” acted as a stepping stone to build a foundation for the business altogether, paving way for more books to become published. My interest is to continue expanding this work, to provide even more books, stories, and artwork to come for many years.
The general premise of my books are to bring a multitude of differing perspectives onto my readers, whether they be children or full grown adults. Overall, I love for my books to be standalone titles— Completely independent of one another, and able to bring a completely different reading experience to the table with each different story.
Most importantly, I love to shatter barriers with my writing and illustration. I don’t want to write something predictable or something that plays it safe. I want raw emotion, real feelings, and an immersive world to explore. Whether it ends up being a light-hearted story, or something emotionally deep and poetic, I want to know that I did something different— Originality is everything.
What is “Floofy Blue Dragon Books?”
This is my ridiculous mascot, the “Floofy Blue Dragon.”
His design is the inspired by many things that I love.