About the Author
Carson Walters is an aspiring author and illustrator who is trying to make his mark on printed media. There are definitely a unique array of challenges that come with being an indie (self published) author, as well as focusing specifically on children’s book publication.
Carson’s journey as a children’s book author indirectly began in 2017, whenever he was in his senior year of high school. During this year he had been assigned his first large-scale project in his Studio Arts III class, where his teacher instructed him and his other two classmates that they were to construct a storyboard and piece together a children’s book from scratch. It took him a couple months of initial drafts and tossing around ideas left and right before his final book, “Dragon Boy,” was coming onto the scene. He worked hard at it for hours on end, and eventually achieved what was a dry media stapling of all his book pages. Little did he know that a few years later in 2020, this book would constantly pester him in the back of his mind begging to be legitimately reworked and published as a real printable book.
He did lots of research with POD (Print on Demand) companies and worked through a consultant book starting business known as Rebel Queen, where he learned basic fundamentals of creating and publishing real printable media. Eventually after lots of communication back and forth, in August 2021 the revised copy of “Dragon Boy,” came onto the scene. Carson feels like being a children’s book author is one of his life callings and something he aspires to continue, as he is already underway working on future projects.

Carson G. Walters
Born June 6th, 2000
My whole life, I’ve had a very difficult time settling down on one particular interest. Somehow I feel like I’m interested in both everything and nothing at the same time. But that’s okay— It just means I get to explore opportunities as they arise, and take it one step at a time. For the time being, I’m studying business education while working as a pharmacy technician at my local drug store. I’ve learned a lot through this particular work experience— Learning lots about medication, insurance claims, and finding the most efficient ways to communicate with others.
In my spare time, I like to draw and simply create, as long as my mind is in the right place for it. I’ve learned that you can’t ever force yourself to create, or you totally lose your flow. Otherwise, I am a very avid listener to modern instrumental music— I’ve found so many brilliant composers through the gaming industry, alone, such as David Wise, Yoko Shimomura, and Tomoya Tomita to name a few.
I’m never really sure where life is going to take me at one point or another, since I am very quick to bore of repetition. I love to work very hard towards things that I believe are fundamental and important to growing as a person, such as starting my little book business. I also tend to work my heart out at no matter what job I’m working, as I believe a good work ethic is extremely crucial in today’s world— Even though I usually overdo it and burn myself out.
With each passing day that the sun rises and sets over the horizon, it’s one more day that I could’ve missed doing something or creating something special. In short, our time here on this little rock is very short— Might as well take a few leaps of faith here and there.
Carson and his late pup Abby.
My troublesome boy, Rupert. He likes to bite my nose really, really hard.